Friday, February 29, 2008


I am sitting in the "Customer Service Lobby" at Toyota waiting for them to change the oil. Behind me is old fashion popcorn popping, coffee, big flat screen TV AND comptures lined up with internet! You guessed where I am sitting, at the computer. Getting your oil changed has come along ways! Today Katie is doing her Dolia trainning. For those of you who don't know what a "Dolia" is, it's the old fashion word from our days called a "labor coach". Helping the birthing mom concentrate on her wonderful pains of birthing a baby. It's an all day course today and tomorrow. So the boys and I took Jessalyn to school and they are with me watching a cartoon.
I went to Skip's client yesterday about some new hearing aids. She was so sweet and so helpful. When she did the hearing test she was so amazed with how I could hear with barely any hearing in each ear! I told her sometimes I wonder too! Skip had been telling her about me for about 3 years and she kept encouraging me to come and see her. I have had such bad experiences with them hearing aid shops that I have ordered from a company by mail for about 15 years. Both of my hearing aids are much needed to be replaced so we thought we would be fair and give her a try. The first thing I noticed was, her office was bare nesseity. I am not against having a nice office and all but not at my expense! Hearing aids are very very pricey. Her business is to reach the local community with the best prices of the same hearing aid you get on the other side of town for thousands and I mean THOUSANDS of dollars MORE! We immediently had a "connection.....see what we come up with next week. The one thing that thrilled my heart was how much she loved Skip! She couldn't praise him enough for his hard work! Good job Skippy!
We got a "help" call from Skip as we were leaving, Jessica locked herself out of the house so her and Molly were stuck in the van. I happen to have a spare key so Papa and Nana came to the you think we minded!! We had some sweet Molly time.

1 comment:

Hammond Family said...

What a fun day! I have hired a doula for my labor this time...I pray to avoid a C-section like I had with Maylie. I told Katie today that she was welcome to come to my birth :)