Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday Saturday, Something about a Saturday

When I think about today that song runs through my head! We have had several spring days and now another yucky day! I guess we can't complain much because according to some friends in midwest they have had snow! Audy's sister is dealing with 16 degree's in Alaska. As Audy says, "what's this about globle warming".
Anyways we have had a very busy week. No new pictures. I have my M&M today (Molly munchin as I call her) so I should get some pictures. She's growing like a little weed these days and the tummy issues are few and far between. Loves to coo and talk and recognises all the "important" people.
Bryson has completed his second year in Classical Conversation and even was recognized for his accomplishments. Last night was his program of all the different classes and they did a wonderful job. Several of our kids from church did some recital pieces before the program. One little girl played the piano and the other one did the violin. Good job guys! Skip, Jess and Molly were able to make it so we made it a family night and went for ice cream later. It was overall a fun evening.
I continue to have problems with my knee. I did have an appt. a week from Monday but they moved it up to May 5. Audy had I have talked at length about going ahead and let them order a MRI. I have been miserable with the pain and ignoring it thinking it'll go away. My boss has been good to let me sit down as much as I can but I miss being real active.
Skip is going to go to a specialist in the next few weeks for his back. We are really praying that it is something that can be treated in physical therapy. He has had some rough days this week. He has one more interview for this promotion on Monday.
Wednesday I am leaving with Skip and Jess to go to Raliegh, North Carolina until Saturday. Jessica's sister is having her first baby on Wed. so I will be a "nanny" to Molly while they are at the hospital. The weather says it's to be in the 80's and no rain so I am looking forward to those few days.

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