Saturday, December 13, 2008

What a week!!!

Well this is the start of Audy's 3rd week of nights and it STINKS! He's adjusted very well but I can't sleep! Oh well it's more important that he is rested and I hope to catch up one of these days.
I have been working a lot of hours the last few weeks. Things have picked up a little bit in the sales. The hardest part is going to these large companies and hospitals and watch people "window shop" and seeing the concern on their faces. Some of them like to chat and the stories they tell me about family and etc...I try and uplift them with these words, "it's better to be a family than to hand out presents". We have gotten away from the real meaning of Christmas and that is not only the birth of Christ BUT just being with our families.
Audy and I need to get busy and wrap some presents. I have them all in the other room covered up with a blanket so it wouldn't be to hard to do! I was talking to another Grandma (April's mama) and she said the same thing I did, "with the first grandchild you are on top of things, the second one just a little behind and after that she still hasn't got them wrapped and under the tree!! Sure made me feel better!
Last night we took Molly and Dawsson out to pizza and uptown to see the Christmas trees and lights. I don't know how some of you mother's in snow country handle these bulky coats and hats but it's a real pain! I had to sit Molly in the trunk to put her marshmellow jacket on and she's screaming the whole time! I put her in the stroller and her arms are stuck straight out!!! Then you get inside and they have the heater cranked up to 80 degree's and so off comes the hat and unzip the jacket!! Needless to say, Audy and I were exhausted! We did have a wonderful time watching her and Dawson enjoy all the decorated trees at the Hyatt Hotel.
Where was Bryson and Jessalyn? Well Jessalyn went over to a friends house to spend the night and Bryson felt like he needed to stay home and "help" his daddy.
I am sure Dawson will have plenty of stories to brag to them about!

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