Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Birthday to Nana!

Well today is my birthday and it has been a wonderful day! After sleeping in for a little while longer I woke up to a wonderful breakfast made by my sweetheart! He served me my favorite, fried rice and bacon and it was so good! He headed on to bed and I piddled around the house and then headed out to run some errands.
I received lots of text messages, phone calls and emails from dear friends and family. Thank you so much for thinking of me.
In case you are wondering, "do you feel any older?" well in some ways yes and no! My heart is young and my body says differently!
Audy received a box in the mail yesterday and informed me it was my birthday presents from him and the kids. He brought it with us to Katie's as she was having my birthday dinner at her house. I was showered with lots of Nana hugs homemade cards and just pure family love. My girls made a wonderful dinner and delicious cake...Thanks Katie and Jessica.
So I am sure you are wondering what was in the box!? A new camera ( is why we are minus pictures yet!) which replaces my other camera that was damaged this summer and I missed horribly AND a picture printer! Oh did I tell you, IT'S PINK! Sissy was beside herself with joy! Skip and Jessica also included a picture of a calender with pictures of Molly Anna that I will be getting soon...
So over all I had a wonderful wonderful birthday!

1 comment:

jenny said...

Well Happy Birthday to you!!!

Let me know when you're ready to say goodbye to the Christmas design here on your blog.