Now that school is out and I am done working for the summer I have more time with the grand kids. I wish I had gotten pictures but I didn't so I will have to tell you about it.
On Monday I had Molly for the day and stopped by and picked up Jessalyn for a "girls day" at Nana's. While Molly was taking a nap Jessalyn and I drew on the driveway with chalk and Nana made a hopstoch. That was so much fun teaching Jessalyn different ways to play it. My next idea is to get one of those rubber balls and play two and four square...anyone remember that game!? The day went by so fast that her mom called about 5p.m. and says, "Mom do you want me to come and pick up Jessalyn"? She was playing house in the backyard and we both lost track of time!!!
When Jessalyn and I were leaving to come over Dawson was screaming and crying, "I want to go to Nana's house"....broke my heart! If I had his carseat I would have given in!!! So when I dropped her off he reminded me that "it was his turn"....
So Tuesday mommy dropped off Bryson and Dawson for an afternoon....when Dawson laid down for a nap (he loves sleeping on our bed!) Bryson and Nana played the Wii and did bowling and tennis. I am sure everyone knows what a Wii is....for me who doesn't care for video games this is awesome!!! We had a blast!
I did have several more "events" to work at but my kind boss emailed me and said, "we were talking and decided you were prolonging your knee surgery long enough for us that we will release you from the last few events". They were right about me prolong it. If I commit to something I want to follow it through. It just so happened that the doctor had called that day and set my surgery for June 6. It is an oupatient surgery, loposcopy (however you spell it). I had it done over 5 years ago on my left knee. I am heading for knee replacement a few years down the road....
but until then I just want to be able to hopstoch with Jessalyn for now!!
Skip is finally finding some relief with his back. They upped the pain patch so he should feel some relief today. His records are being reviewed with a pain management and therapy clinic and we are hoping he starts with that at least by Monday. He has decided to do his short term disability and get this behind him once and for we remind him, one day at a time.
I am sooo envious of Katie's family!! They are leaving on Friday for a long weekend at the beach! The weatherman says we are to have beautiful weather...goodie for them! Now that our pool is open we will probably hang out over there. I am not to thrilled about "hopping right in" as the water is going to be so COLD for a little while. Our mornings these days are 57 and gradually warms up to upper 70's so you know that pool isn't warming up too fast!