Monday, November 24, 2008

What I am THANKFUL for....

It seems like all through the year I am so "busy" and don't really sit down and think about what I am thankful for! Oh, I do from day to day but really put some thought into it.....and then having Mimi here visiting with me for a few days before Sandra and Pastor Gray get here to spend Thanksgiving with her and family. Some of you are wondering "who is Mimi"? She is Sandra's mom and my very own godly Mom! She is going to be 80 yrs. old her birthday and you'd never know it! She has a spirit about her that automatically lifts you up and words of wisdom that sets you straight! We have been doing our "favorite" thing of chatting about life and family. Brought back a lot of memories of when my own mama would come to visit or me visiting her, staying up until wee hours "catching up". Mimi reminds me a lot of my mom's spunk and it makes me miss her so much.
--Anyways what I am really thankful for is knowing Christ as my Savior.
--Having such a wonderful husband of 35 years. We have so much fun together just being together!
--I have a wonderful daughter who has provided me with 3 beautiful grand children. And a son in law that is as close to my heart as my own son.
--I have a wonderful son who has provided me with the sweetest baby girl, Molly and a daughter in law that is precious and close to my heart as my daughter
--The wonderful friends we have and the generosity of sharing their own families
--The good health that our family has been provided with
What more could I ask for!! Both of my children are raising their children to love the Lord and that means so much to Audy and I.

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