Monday, September 8, 2008

Counting down 5 days to the beach!

Looks like we shall beat the hurricanes! Reguardless to the weather (providing it's not a catagory 4) we are heading to Garden City Beach in 5 days! We are all very excited!
Skip and Jess update: They had themselves a yardsale on Saturday for the first time. They were too funny as they would go around the house and bring something out and say to the other, "do we use this or want this"? The reply was usually, "no put it in the yardsale"! Well $350.00 later that is what they came up with! We took a few things over and made about $14.00! I guess they had the good junk!
Molly turned 7 months old today. So hard to believe! We are going to have such a good time with her at the beach!
Katie and James: We are all sadden that James parents aren't going to be coming out from Arizona to go to the beach with us after all. James grandma's health is failing (she's 91) and his mom feels like she needs to go to California and be with her. So depending on what his mom's report is will determine if James is going to meet up with his parents or come to the beach with us. All we can do is pray for them at this point.
I was over at Katie's this afternoon before Bryson's piano lessons. He played the songs for me that he has been practising on and I was quite impressed! Sissy and I watched a video of Anne of Green favorite too. Mom says they are doing really good on their school work. She is taking the day off on Friday to get ready for the beach and there is no school for them next week!!!!
Audy and Dee: We are doing good! Dee went for her physical today and the doctor came in the room to give me the results and said, "you have made my day boring!" Gave me a good bill of health! We are very thankful for that. He looked at Audy and says, "how are you doing"? We laughed as he said, "I'll see you for my physcial on Thursday"! I am still struggling with my knee and my ortho doctor says he is not closing my case and I was to contact him at any time I can't bear the pain. This winter will tell the real story!
I have gone back to work and it was really nice. I only work one day this week but when I get back it will pick up. By then I will have my vacation behind me!
My next post will be from the beach with pictures!!!
Until then....

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