Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mommy and Daddy's First Week with Molly Anna

On Friday night Papa and Nana babysat Molly while Skip and Jess went out for belated Valentine's. Aunt Katie came over too so she could have baby time without her kids or anyone else. We really had a nice Family Night.

Aunt Katie showing Mommy and Daddy how to bathe Molly until her belly button cord falls off. She did so good and only whimmered a little bit. We were all quite proud

"Hum, Mommy don't I smell so good"

Molly and her "Luvies" This is her favorite sleeping boppy

Daddy and his baby girl

Mommy and Daddy and Molly (they are so content)

What Molly was doing while Mommy and Daddy were catching up on much needed sleep

Lucy in her favorite spot while Mommy and Daddy catch up on some much needed sleep and Nana holds the Fort. Lucy has done really good since she has been their baby for 4 years. Every now and then she comes and sniffs to check her out. I think she has finally realized this "thing" has come to stay. It is kind of funny but when Molly get's mad (rarely) she runs and hides and then comes back and checks things out.


Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! Enjoy! Tell Skip congratulations too!

jenny said...

That's one beautiful baby!

Katie looks so good! Tell her hello.