Thursday, January 3, 2008


Well it's finally COLD in Greenville! I'm beginning to wonder how you Debby up there in Alaska deal with the cold daily! No thank you.....I'd be out of my mind for sure.
We took a drive to Myrtle Beach today. I wish I could say we "strolled" on the beach but instead we looked at some beach houses for our vacation in September. Here neither one of us are employed and we're thinking about a vacation!!! We were the only ones that had the time to make the trip as everyone else is working. After our experience a couple of years ago at the "Deviled Crab" we try and check out the houses before we rent them. The story about the Deviled Crab was I rented it sight unseen and them kids of mine haven't let me live it down yet. Now it wasn't really too bad but let's just say, bad enough.
We all look forward to that week at the beach when Katie's family, Skip and Jess, Audy and I spend a bonding week together. This past Sept. we had several other families join us and we had a HUGE house with a pool. This year our friends have the HUGE house and we are renting a smaller one next door. We are across the street from the beach this year because the price is about 1,000.00 difference! What's nice is our pool is heated at no extra cost!
James parent's are planning on coming this year so it shall be really nice for the kids.

Audy has had several "hits" on his resume and one place has requested an interview. He will contact them in the morning. Skip downsized his resume and he's going to Greenville News in the morning to fill out an application. It's amazing but the human resource for the newspaper has a policy that if you are "over" qualified you can't get a job! It's not the best paying job but the medical insurance is wonderful. He will have to work a part time job to make up the difference in pay cut. It's something we are going to have to trust the Lord on.

I still haven't heard from American Greetings yet. I am kind of puzzled about why she hasn't called me back yet. I am calling again tomorrow even though I left a message the other day for her to call me. It's hard to sit back and wait!

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