As I sat here looking over the pictures from Dawson's early birthday party at Chuckee Cheese (will post them tomorrow) I am amazed how time has flown by. It's hard to believe he will be 4 years old tomorrow. I remember the day Katie told me the news and it came something like this, "Well mom are you ready to be a grandma again?"....Of course we were very excited as we waited for his arrival in August. As with the other two children she end up being induced. She wanted so much to have this baby natural as she was beginning her studies as a Douala she knew it was the best way. Well I honestly believe God had other plans because when he was born (her biggest baby yet!) Katie and I both noticed he had a raspy cry. But the doctor didn't say anything about it so we didn't think anymore about it. Well I had been down to the nursery because Katie was patiently waiting for them to bring her baby when I noticed he wasn't breathing right. So I hurried back to the room and not wanting to alarm Katie I said to James, "bring the video camera and take some pictures of Dawson while Katie is waiting." I showed him what I was seeing and he saw the same thing. He alerted the nurse and a long story short they diagnosed him with Chemical pneumonia. Not sure exactly when he attracted that but it was serious enough that he spent 9 days in (can't recall how to spell NIQ). It was the hardest thing for Katie to have to leave her baby behind and tell Dawson's big brother and sister their baby brother was very sick. A lot of prayers surrounded that baby and it was a great day when he got to come home. The side effect to all of this he struggles with asthma attacks. the first year and half were horrible but to this date he gets a treatment now and then. We keep praying he will out grow them and seems to be slowly.
Michael Dawson has a real sense of humor and more so than the other two children.He comes up with the funniest things. He is Katie's most observant child. If she wears something new he's the first to notice and will say, "that top is so pretty mommy". He's a finger sucking (the pointy finger) child that loves tags on anything but has special blankets. His favorite toy is his stuffed dog. Papa and Nana along with Bryson and Jessalyn made him a puppy (Scooby Do) at Build a Bear and dressed him in his favorite character...BATMAN.
As Katie was lighting his candles on his cake he looked over at his little best friend, Ethan and said, "Happy Birthday to ME"....He takes after his Papa...loves his birthday period....
Until tomorrow.....