Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Friday and the last day in November! I don't know about you but, November seemed to go on forever! I guess it's because we had a late summer which pushed us into a late fall.
Poor Audy, the leaf's have left a huge dump in his yard. He is hoping we have a large wind storm and they blow off on their way!
He is leaving this afternoon to go to Bevard, North Carolina to the "THE WILDS" for a Men's Retreat. This couldn't have come at a better timing for him. So tonight I will have just Maggie for my bed partner. I am meeting up with Rhonda this evening and we are going out to dinner and over to Melissa's for dessert. Tomorrow I will get some sewing done and then in the evening bundle up and go downtown Greenville with Katie's family to see the Christmas parade. FUN FUN.....
Audy was blessed to see an email from Bob that he got his info for putting together his resume. He assured him he'd have the package in the mail first of next week with a listing of jobs so he can lick the stamp and get them in the mail. We sort of feel we are on a roller coaster but in a posiive way.......wheeeee.
Jessalyn is so excited that her birthday is Sunday. For her birthday dinner she wants Mc Donald's. So after church we are heading to our brand new Mickey D's. Skip and Jess said, they'd pass and see us at her birthday party on Thursday. We had a good laugh because Jessica said, "why Mc Donald's". Skip replied, "she is a little girl and we better get use to it too".

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Today was an overwhelming day for Audy. He had to sit down and write his resume. You think to yourself, how hard is that!! Well with 35 years of experience and two seperate careers it was harder than he expected. He went down memory lane with is folder of the many certificates he had gotten from the military and when he had Newman Medical Supply. After putting in a call to Bob the "head hunter" he felt much better. He assured Audy they would put all the info in the right catergories. So off he went upstairs to scan all this info to Bob. Bob has assured him with his experiences he stood a good chance to find a good job. We know we have a awesome God and he knows what job that will be. One good blessing is this company supplied Bob for us at no cost and he puts together the whole package and it will be in the mail by tomorrow. That includes self addressed envelopes and Audy licks the stamp and out they go. I don't think you can get any easier than that.
We sat down with the budget and prayed about corners to cut. Neither one of us watch much TV and the kids only watch DVD's when they come so we decided to cut Direct TV. We will keep our cell phones since we don't have a home phone and we both agreed cable modem for the internet was staying!!! We came away feeling good that we can "make it" by the grace of God.
Today I had a dental cleaning and I mentioned to the lady, please don't add any extra cost as after next month I won't have dental until he gets a new job. I ALWAYS have a cavity or two and guess what? I had none!!! Dr. Dennis whom we just love gave me a big hug and said, we scheduled you for your next cleaning in June...See you then! How quickly we overlook the little things that God takes care of.

Katie called me this afternoon and asked me if I would mind watching Dawson this evening since he couldn't go into the nursery with a snotty nose. Bryson and Jessalyn are committed to Truth Trackers ( similar to AWANA) and James had to work late. Well after his bath he was playing with Papa's blanket and with his hands full with Thomas train and a car the blanket slipped and Maggie had first grabs. It was so funny....he sure knows how to hold his own!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Lord is my Sheperd

The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want, He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul . He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Psalms 23:1-3

I am so thankful for the Lord and that he is my Shepard. I would hate to be alone while in the mist of trials. I am also thankful he has me lie down and rest when Satan would rather I worry. I am thankful I can be calm because he is leading me along when Satan would want me to have waves of anxiety. I am thankful he restores me and lifts me to the highest and gives me great desires to live for him.

Today Audy was laid off from his job. He's been with this company for the last 5 or so years since coming back from Guam. He has put in alot of long hours supervising young men and trying to take care of the depends from those above him. It's been a great burden for him for the last few months and he had been praying that God would show him some directions. Not only has he shown him the way, he's leading him beside them still waters. The sad story is the other 5 people that were laid off do know our Shepard so they must feel so alone.

With all that behind me it was a great day today. The kids arrived with excitement because the Christmas tree was all lit up and they knew the train would be around the tree. They used their bodies to make tunnels for the train to go through and what fun they had.

I made them dinosaur shape peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and they ate them off Nana's snowman plates. The best part to them was it was upstairs in the play room.

I had gone up earlier and Jessalyn was all dressed up in her dress up clothes and had Dawson sitting down for a "coffee party". Smart girl, she knows good coffee! We just had a fun day.

She has the cutest shirt on what it says!

Friday, November 23, 2007

I am so blessed with the smartest man in the world;-) I am back on my laptop and I can now get to my pictures I have been wanting to post. Skip called his dad at 5 something this morning and said, "hey dad we are at Cracker Barrell, want to meet us for breakfast"? Them kids were up with the stars and crazy other people out there shopping. He said, at 5 a.m. the line to Circuit City was HUGE so they decided awe, let's go and eat and then go in and see about our video camera. Well they did just that, went right to what they wanted and the checkout line was hours long and just as they were deciding what to do a new register opened up and they walked right up to it and checked out!!!! Audy got up and headed out at 6;30 and went to Comp USA and got the wireless equipment he needed to get my wireless back up. The lightening storm took it out a couple of months back. While there he got some more memory for the computer and boy does it work nice. So needless to say, he is quite proud of himself.

So I am going to post some pictures from the last few months.

Introducing the new mama to be and Molly to be

Jessica is almost 30 weeks here....isn't she just glowing.


We have so much to be thankful for.......THANK YOU LORD for saving my soul, THANK YOU LORD for making me whole, THANK YOU LORD, for giving to me thy GREAT SALVATION so rich and FREE.

We had a wonderful day with or family. Thank you Katie and James for opening your home and preparing some yummy dishes, Thank you Skip and Jessica for providing the most delicous appretizers and pumpkin pies and Thank you Aunt Stacey for the yummy pink stuff.

We played a new verison of UNO and even Bryson and Jessalyn caught on pretty good. Aunt Jess was such a good sport fitting Jessalyn on her lap with Molly sharing her space ;-).

Here are some pictures of our day.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday at Nana's

Monday has arrived once again and we are upstairs in the playroom playing very nicely actually. Bryson is helping me out by teaching Dawson how to put together a ship and then put the toys away very nicely. Jessalyn is playing with Maggie and there is much harmony in the room for now. Mommy is off to the birthing center to do well baby checks. She looked so cute this morning in her new scrubs. We laughed together as she said, she should have become a nurse because her scrubs were so comfy and she'd wear them everyday.
Bryson and I have some school work to do this morning. I was amazed when mom told me the lesson plan. He's learning about a "yard". He knows the inches and also how to count by 2's all the way to 150. We will begin on that shortly. After school work we are off to Mc Donalds for lunch and play time and then it will be time for Dawson to take his nap.
I will post our craft section at a later date. Poor daddy will probably be home this afternoon high as a kite on pain medication. He was playing football on Saturday and he got hurt....pulled some muscles in the front kneck bone area. We thought for sure he broke his collar bone or something like that. Friday night when Katie told me he was going to go and play with Matt's friends 20 something I said, oh no!! You know James and his injuries!! Well sure enough! I told Katie, I wouldn't make him feel worse by telling him, I told you so!
Well we are off to do school work....

Saturday, November 17, 2007

It is COLD

I have been complaining for several weeks that it's been to warm to think about Christmas. Well I got my wish, IT'S COLD. We were at the Mall last night and I was very suprised to see Santa Claus there already!! I guess he wanted to get a head start!
As I think about Thanksgiving just next week, I can't help but think about the things I am thankful for. The main thing is my LORD and then my family. We all get busy with our day to day things and don't really think about what we are thankful for. We take our health and our families for granted. Little did I know that this time 7 years ago I would loose both my parents. It 's not like they were old! Mom has been with the Lord almost 7 years and Dad 6 years. Just doesn't seem possible.
I am thankful for my grandchildren and their tender hearts. They too are learning what they are thankful for. I got tickled the other day because Dawson decided "turkey" was his favorite word and was calling everyone "turkey". You can ask him,"what does the turkey say"....gobble gobble he says.
It's going to be a quiet Thanksgiving for us this year. We usually spend it with lots of friends and family but this year we will be just family. I am going to set the table with the china and ect. I will post some pictures. It will be the little one's first time using real china so it should be quite fun.
Well, I need to get busy and start my day!! I actually did go into work for a few hours this morning and going back this afternoon to packup the book fair. Then we are going to Matt and LeAnn's for dinner. Grammy will have to share her snuggles with Claire....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another warm day

If I didn't know better, I'd think I was back in Guam. We have had another warm day today. I really can't complain because the colors are still beautiful. I sure hope it cools off pretty soon because I always decorate the day after Thanksgiving for Christmas. I can't hardly get in the mood for Christmas with this warm weather.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thanks "Four Happy Hearts"

I think I might be getting promoted to the formula stage as I am figuring out how to do this thing. I want to thank a dear and precious long time friend of Katie's for introducing me to this site. Jen, your kids are beautiful!! You are exactly what your son me you are ageless!! Those kids have so much of you in them too. I am glad you married your sweetheart too.
It's been 36 or so years since I have been to Spokane.....coming from Oxnard, California I thought I had gone to another world. At least that was from the eyes of a 15 year old. I water skied one of those beautiful lakes back then.
Okay, let's see if the next post will show with my nest.....until then

Papa and Nana 2006

This was actually taken about a year ago. The only difference is we both have new hair doo's. Skip talked Audy into having his head like he does. I was against it for awhile but then said, awh go ahead!! It's a father and son bonding time.
Will post more recent pictures once I figure this blog out. Remember I AM A NEWBORN!!
I am actually a newborn blogger. Once I figure this thing out I will be up and running. For now I have colic